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We carry the largest selection of essential oils in the area, with an entire section of the store devoted to them. We have all the well-known essential oils (lavender, orange, peppermint, tea tree, etc.) as well as several rare and difficult to find varieties. We also have pre-made blends and diffusers for your home and smudging sage for cleansing your space.


If you're a fan of Young Livings' Thieves Oil product then we invite you to try some of our custom anti-bacterial/anti-viral blends that pack a strong punch but at a reasonable price. Anti-microbial essential oil blends are especially popular in the colder months and when kids are in school as concern over colds and flu are heightened. These blends are great for diffusers in the home or office to help disinfect the air as well as added to natural house cleaning products for cleaning surfaces or simply mixed into skincare products to be applied topicaly.


In addition to essential oils we also carry a huge selection of carrier oils that they can be blended in. Carrier oils can be used alone for moisturizing the skin or as a base to add essential oils into before applying to the skin. We especially suggest thinner carrier oils, like fractionated coconut oil or avocado oil, because they absorb into the skin so well and don't have a greasy feel after application.


In addition to the other brands essential oil brands we carry, the Golden Almond also has our own line of essential oils in our Golden Almond Organics line. With both conventional and organic varieties in our line to choose from, we have a full assortment of the most popular essential oils and a knowledge staff if you need to consult with us on how to blend them. Though we also carry the very popular doTerra Essential Oils line, many customers opt for our Golden Almond Organics brand because we get our essential oils from many of the same or similar places but sell them for a fraction of the cost. 

Golden Almond Organics Essential

© 2021 Golden Almond Health Store  ●  850-863-5811  ●  Mon-Fri  9am-6pm, Sat 10am-5pm  ●  Serving Fort Walton Beach, Destin, Navarre, Niceville & beyond!

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